6.7 如何向列表视图添加分组(Section) SwiftUI 内置的列表视图支持分组(Section)和分组页眉(header),类似于 UIKit 的 UITableView。其实实现起来也很简单。 举个例子,下面是一个叫做任务的单元格视图: struct TaskRow: View { var body: some View { Text("Task data goes here") } } 我们要创建一个包含两个分组的列表视图,一个是重要任务,一个是不怎么重要的任务,下面是代码: < How to enable editing on a list using EditButton How to make a grouped list > How to add sections to a list SwiftUI’s list view has built-in support for sections and section headers, just like UITableView in UIKit. To add a section around some cells, start by placing a Section around it, optionally also adding a header and footer. As an example, here’s a row that holds task data for a reminders app: struct TaskRow: View { var body: some View { Text("Task data goes here") } } What we want to do is create a list view that has two sections: one for important tasks and one for less important tasks. Here’s how that looks: struct ContentView : View { var body: some View { List { Section(header: Text("Important tasks")) { TaskRow() TaskRow() TaskRow() } Section(header: Text("Other tasks")) { TaskRow() TaskRow() TaskRow() } } } } 如果要添加页脚的方式如下: Section(header: Text("Other tasks"), footer: Text("End")) { TaskRow() TaskRow() TaskRow() }